Honey is a great fundraiser for two very simple reasons: It’s good for you and most people like it.
Your school or organization will find it easy to sell honey, beause it’s something most people buy regularly. They now recognize honey’s many health benefits, and its delicious sweet taste makes it a good alternative to candy or chocolate.
We can either make a brief presentation or provide materials prior to the fundraiser where we oultine the benefits of our honey so that the people selling can provide helpful information to potential customers.
We offer honey at different price levels and in different sized containers at very attractive wholesale prices. We can custom design a label for you or you can provide your own. Also, at no extra cost, we provide teaching materials and posters should you wish to add an educational component.
Let Fairhaven Farm be your partner in a great fundraising event
as well as in education!
We offer very attractive wholesale pricing on our products that allows your organization to maximize profits.
Liquid and Creamed Honey are available in a variety of glass jars. We also offer 1 kg and 500 g plastic tubs, which are safer for children to carry than glass. If you prefer another type of container, you may choose from dozens of alternative styles and sizes.
Best of all, no minimum order is required. And, orders DO NOT have to be placed or paid for in advance. Just let us know what you would like to order once the fundraising has been completed and we will deliver it to you.
Payment is due upon delivery of the order. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
Contact us for more information or visit our Links tab to see what's new and interesting in the world of bees.